
The Values of the Trust :

Mātauranga: the value of knowledge and expertise.

Kotahitanga: the value of working together.

Whanaungatanga: the value of strengthening our connections with each other.

Manaakitanga: the value of looking after each other.

Wairuatanga: the value of the spiritual dimension alongside the physical.

Kaitiakitanga: the value of being responsible for our environment.

Mana Whenua: the value of customary authority of Hapū over our rohe.

Ahi kaa: the value of recognizing those that keep the home fires burning.

Te Reo: the value of our language being the cornerstone of who we are.

The objectives of the Trust shall be:

To research, to teach, and to perpetuate arts, crafts, folklore, weaving, carving, traditional history, language, drama, public speaking, Marae etiquette, music, inter-denominational religious principals, cultural activities, whare wananga, sports, values and Tikanga.

To promote the well-being of Utakura and surrounding Communities.

To build a Marae, to do any act deed or function to promote the objects of the trust.

To renovate or construct, to dismantle take down or recycle, any structures or real/materials or property, to carry out the objects of the trust.

To preserve, secure, retain, and restore the safe keeping of any intellectual properties of the past or of / the future.

To maximise educational opportunities through Wananga to share and enhance skills and expertise.